Woe is me: kickboxing edition

“Ri! What happened to your eye!” “What? Oh yeah, I got hit in the face… “WHAT!” “…during kickboxing!” Me at work a couple of week ago. And it gets even worse, because technically I hit myself in the face. That’s right, I was blocking my face, fists raised, when the guy hit my fist that [...]

Stockholm: DreamLeague, Chai Lattes & Dogs with Coats

Last week I visited Stockholm for the first time. Largely due to the fact that my sister was working DreamLeague, so I could crash in her room and save greatly on costs. It was, all in all, great fun, and Stockholm has definitely gotten a warm (or should I say freezing cold!) place in my [...]


I came back last week from spending two weeks in Seattle, Washington. This was my first time visiting a major US city. The space needle: Walking around in downtown Seattle felt strange, in a way. I guess because I only know US cities from movies and TV series, I felt as if I was walking [...]

And So It Begins

Watership Down is one of my favorite books. There was a time where, when asked, I would tell people this was my favorite book ever. I have since learned that I cannot have a favorite book, because basically my favorite book is whichever great book I just finished. I'm okay with this. I found myself [...]

ESL One Frankfurt 2014: Some Impressions

Saturday, June 28th. I wake up at the ungodly hour of 4:45, 15 minutes before my alarm clock was supposed to go off. Even my subconscious is excited for ESL One! I'm at our parents' house because we're taking mom's car, and she wakes up at 6:15 just to see me off cause that's what [...]

Unwanted Visitor

So I live on the 20th floor of an apartment building, and one of the things I like to mention as an upside to living this high up is that there are very few bugs. And this is true, there are fewer bugs this high up, but I still get the occasional bug, and boy [...]